departure from Bordeaux

Weekends and vacations

From Bordeaux by train, or by car, select your preferred mode of transportation and enjoy a stay on the Atlantic coast in southern Brittany.

  • BY TRAIN : The recommended journey takes about 6 hours. For Brittany and Pays de la Loire, the departure is from the Bordeaux Saint-Jean station including two options. The first is to take a “direct” intercity train to Nantes. Longer than a car trip, this option is interesting if you are not in a hurry. The second option is to take a direct line of the TGV Atlantique to Paris Montparnasse. Once in Paris, stay in the station and change trains and head back west. You’ll have a comfortable trip, complete with tasty sandwiches from the car bar. Sleep peacefully, as your destination awaits at the train’s terminus. When you arrive in Nantes, change for a TER in the direction of Le Croisic. When you get off on the platform, the sea breeze greets you, as if to welcome you to the Côte d’Amour, just the beginning of the M-EXPERIENCES.

Indicate your station of departure.

For your arrival station choose from :


  • BY CAR : the optimized trip takes just a little more than 4 hours. Faster but also more exhausting than a journey via the intercity train. Take the A10 freeway driving north, turn onto the A83 at Niort and join the Nantes bypass. At the end of your journey, take the RN 165 and 171 towards Saint-Nazaire. Your patience will be rewarded by discovering the Côte d’Amour and the M-EXPERIENCES that we have planned for you. All that remains is for you to enjoy your stay.