departure from Strasbourg

Weekends and vacations

Departing from Strasbourg whether by train, plane or car, choose the means of transportation you prefer and enjoy a stay on the Atlantic coast in the south of Brittany.

  • BY TRAIN : the optimized journey takes more than 8 hours. For Brittany and Pays de la Loire, the departure is from one of the platforms of the Strasbourg station. Take a seat on a direct line of the TGV Atlantique to Nantes. Cross the entire Grand-East region, circle Paris and head west. As you step off the platform, the sea spray will envelop you, a perfect way to be welcomed to the Côte d’Amour, your M-EXPERIENCES are just beginning.

Indicate your station of departure.

For your arrival station choose from :


  • BY PLANE : The flight lasts about an hour and a half. Rendez-vous at Strasbourg Entzheim airport. From there, board a plane to land just an hour and a half later at the Nantes Atlantique airport. Upon arrival, you’ll have two options to reach the coast: by road via the N171 or by train via the new Nantes train station which you will have connected with the airport shuttle in less than 30 minutes. 

 Indicate your airport of departure.

 For your arrival airport choose : NANTES ATLANTIQUE

  • BY CAR : the recommended journey takes just a little more than 11 hours. This drive will take you through the complete territory of mainland France. Take the A4 highway to Paris. Cross the capital and its sprawling road network. Join the A11 freeway which will take you to Nantes. Then take the national roads 165 and 171 to the coast. Your patience will be rewarded by the discovery of the Côte d’Amour and the M-EXPERIENCES that are planned for you, all you that one must do is enjoy the stay.