departure from Marseille

Weekends and vacations

From Marseille, whether by train, plane or car, you choose your preferred mode of transportation and indulge yourself with a stay along the Atlantic Ocean graced by the coasts of southern Brittany.

  • BY TRAIN : the optimized trip takes about 8 hours. For Brittany and Pays de la Loire, the departure is from one of the platforms of the Marseille Saint-Charles station. Take a seat on a direct South TGV line to Paris Gare de Lyon. Cross the PACA, Auvergne-Rhône Alpes and Burgundy regions to the capital. Once arrived at the Gare de Lyon, if time permits, have a break for lunch at the mythical Train Bleu restaurant. Then by cab, bus or metro, go to Montparnasse station to catch a direct Atlantic TGV to Nantes. Have a comfortable trip and fall asleep peacefully, your destination is the train’s terminus. When you arrive in Nantes, change for a TER train to Le Croisic.  When you get off on the platform, the sea breeze will greet you, as if to welcome you to the Côte d’Amour.  A nice start to the many M-EXPERIENCES yet to come.

Indicate your station of departure.

For your arrival station choose  from :


  • BY PLANE : The flight duration is about 1 hour. Check in at the Marseille Provence airport. Once in air, land an hour later at Nantes Atlantique airport. Upon arrival, you have two options to reach the coast: by road via the N171 or by train via the new train station in Nantes that you will have connected with the airport shuttle in less than 30 minutes.

 Indicate your airport of departure.

 For your arrival airport choose : NANTES ATLANTIQUE

  • BY CAR : The optimized trip lasts about 11 hours. Travel across France from South to West on this scenic road trip to the South of Brittany. Start your journey via the A55 and join the Autoroute du Soleil. At the entrance of Salon de Provence, take the A54 towards the West. Once in Nîmes, continue on the A9 to Narbonne. The A61 will take you to Toulouse where you will then follow the A62 to Bordeaux. From there, take the A10 freeway, branch off onto the A83 at Niort and join the Nantes ring road. Then complete your journey via the RN 165 and 171 to Saint-Nazaire. Your patience will be rewarded by discovering the Côte d’Amour and the M-EXPERIENCES that we have in store for you.